Onboarding World onto the Bitcoin with ZK technology — Join the Ultimate Airdrop Odyssey ⚙️

The Defi Alchemist
4 min readJan 11, 2024


B² Network — Core of Concept👇

B² Network is a Layer-2 solution that bolsters transaction speed and broadens application diversity without sacrificing security. B² Network is the first zero-knowledge proof verification commitment rollup on Bitcoin. The network’s objective is to metamorphose Bitcoin into a versatile platform, paving the way for groundbreaking applications such as DeFi, NFTs, and other decentralized systems.

Overall, B² Network epitomizes a harmonized progression, upholding Bitcoin’s core values while navigating the future digital asset landscape.

There is no official source of Potential Airdrop & Investments they received!

However few web3 influencers shilled this project on twitter!

Airdrop Guide 🪂

1/ Follow Socials


2/ Testnet Guide

➖ Go to: https://docs.bsquared.network/
(a) Download the B² Wallet
(b) Load the extension

➖ Go to: https://task.bsquared.network/leaderboard
(a) Connect the BURNER Wallet
(b) Input this Inv code: bq9GWdk

➖ Go to: https://task.bsquared.network/points/
(a) Just Bind your all social profiles and claim points

➖ Brdige to B² network: *Coming soon!*
(a) Bookmark this blog and come back daily for update
(b) Join TG to be notified whenever this blog is updated

SatoshiVM — Core of Concept👇

It is a decentralized Bitcoin ZK Rollup Layer2 that is compatible with the EVM ecosystem and uses native BTC as gas. SatoshiVM introduces the EVM ecosystem to BTC, granting the Bitcoin ecosystem the capability to issue assets and build applications.

The SatoshiVM chain comprises three layers:


Although there is no official source for any airdrop, Yet we can anticipate this event to happen….

Airdrop Guide 🪂

1/ Join Socials


2/ Testnet Guide

➖ Go to: chromewebstore.google.com/
(a) Install the wallet
(b) Creat a NEW wallet
(c ) Go to settings and cick on Network
(d) Switch to testnet
(e) Go back to settings menu >> Go to the Address Type >> Switch to Taproot

➖ Go to: https://bitcoinfaucet.uo1.net/
(a) Submit Bitcoin Testnet wallet
(b) Request the faucet

➖ Go to: bridge.satoshivm.io
(a) Connect NEW Metamask wallet and Unisat wallet
(b) Send some tBTC from BTC testnet to SatoshiVM
(c ) Similarly Withdraw some of your Btc from SatoshiVM to BTC testnet
(d) Switch to SAVM Bridge (Comming Soon)
(e) Send some of your assets from ETH sepolia to SatoshiVM
(f) Similarly withdraw your assets

➖ Join our TG for new updates or get REKT!

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Fun Facts:

✅ There is a way to follow someone on medium.com and you can do so by clicking on “follow.” Seems fun? Then “follow” prompt on my profile is patiently waiting for you to click on it. Happy following!!! 💖

✅ Did you know that you can clap up to 50 times on medium.com blog? Want to try it? Just click on “👏” 50 times and see the magic. Happy clapping!! 👏👏

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📕 Read more to gain more 💰:

Mining — The easiest way to earn: Link

Confirmed Airdrops — You will have your money 💯: Link

Potential Airdrops — Potential of earning but $5k will be on the line 👀: Link

Digest — Knowledge is Power 📕: Link

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The Defi Alchemist

Hunting Airdrops required presence! Now it requires skill, A set of strategies to follow. You can find it here. Get your hands on to the next level industry!